Marrying ‘Late’ Isn’t a Crime Anymore – You Do You

We live in strange times – an ocean was on fire, billionaires are shooting themselves into space & there
is a virus that mutates itself biannually and forces the world to shut down again and again. As earthlings,
our actions from the past and present have put us in a bit of a stupor. However, the progress of the
human race is measured not just by our understanding of the limits of science, technology and human
bodies. Throughout the pandemic, we have heard stories from around the world of people coming
together to help their communities, taking extraordinary measures to go beyond the call of duty, even
falling in love without a single physical interaction or at best at a distance of 6 feet, behind morbid
masks. These are prime examples of intellectual progress – of adaptation, empathy, kindness and the
recognition to go beyond our pre-conditioned prejudices to make life better for others and ourselves in
whatever way we can.

To cut a long story short – we are capable of change. We evolve. The evolution in our society, too, has
been gradual but noteworthy. There is a definite shift in mindset about education, financial
independence, working in off-beat fields and even love and relationships. We see more and more
parents encouraging their children, not just sons, to pursue their dreams, study whatever they wish and
explore the world around them. The earlier framework of studying such and such subjects, marrying at a
certain age, having x no. of children etc., is slowly becoming redundant.


The entire concept of taking charge of one’s life and keeping one’s interests
first and foremost is no longer considered selfish.


An interesting off-shoot of this line of thought is that more and more people are placing marriage and
getting into serious long term relationships further on the number line of their lives. What is heartening
to see, though, is that there are enough and more parents who aren’t pushing their children to ‘settle
down’. They understand the need to find the right partner and get into a marriage that will last a lifetime
rather than settle for people who aren’t right because the proverbial clock is ticking by.

Life throws various curveballs at you. One could be ‘late’ in the game for several reasons

  • If they were in a relationship that lasted years and didn’t work out.
  • If their careers were their primary focus
  • If they were not ready to commit to a relationship
  • If they just haven’t found the one.

These are perfectly normal, human reasons. Sadly, the flip side exists too. The truth is that we live in a patriarchal society where the general junta assumes that a woman in her 30’s who has completed her PHD, has a successful career, runs marathons and visits senior citizen homes every other Sunday is still unfulfilled. This mindset puts pressure on men too, where if not married by a certain time; they are questioned even on their virility! It is a common sight in social gatherings for people to sit around and discuss other people’s lives, especially about one’s partner or rather the lack of them. However, they are best left to their own devices


As long as one has the support of their immediate loved ones, they should
consider this mindless chatter as background noise and ignore it.


Always be hopeful and open to love and companionship. Just because something didn’t work out or hasn’t till now doesn’t mean it never will. Love comes into people’s lives in mysterious ways, and if it hasn’t yet, we are always there to help!

MatchMe is an elite matchmaking service based in New Delhi, India. The personalized matchmaking firm provides curated matches from around the world and is considered one of the best amongst high-end matrimonial services found in the country. What sets it apart is the organic and progressive approach of Mishi and Tania, who helm this enterprise.

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